What can I do to help?

Dispose of all household products safely

Don’t pour pesticides, paint thinners, engine oil, or other household cleaning products down the drain or into a storm sewer. Take them to a recycling center or hazardous waste collection site. For more information, visit: https://www.co.walworth.wi.us/342/Solid-Waste-Recycling. Cooking oils and grease should be collected in a container, covered, and disposed in the garbage.

Many people do not know how to dispose of prescription medications properly, so they flush them down the toilet. Flushing medicine could contaminate the soil and groundwater. Water reclamation facilities are not effective at removing certain medications from the wastewater. Many medications can pass through the process and harm wildlife downstream. Some local Police Departments and Municipal Buildings offer a prescription drug drop box. Individuals can walk in and anonymously deposit unused or expired prescription medications.

Use fertilizers and pesticides carefully and only as directed
Try to find safe alternatives to products that don't harm water supplies
Be informed

Learn about your local water supply and any possible threats. Know what your community is doing to protect your water supply, and help other citizens be aware of the importance of clean water in the community.

Do your part

Practice water conservation at home and at work. Fix leaks and install water-saving devices and appliances. Be aware of how much water your family uses in the house. And don’t take this valuable resource for granted.